Organizational structure


IDEACONSULT International operates from its headquarters in Tunis and organizes its services through three operational departments


Planning, Environment and Sustainable Development Department


Strategic and Institutional
Studies Department


Transport Economics

The Process & Innovation Department (DPI) along with the Integrated Management Responsible supports the operational departments in project management as well as in the implementation of Quality & Environment processes.

The Cartography & GIS, Socio-Economics and International Development Divisions provide cross-functional support to the three operational departments.


Our team consists of multidisciplinary permanent experts from top engineering schools in Tunisia and Worldwide.

IDEACONSULT International also relies on an extensive and dedicated network of experts, throughout countries where it operates, ensuring complete coverage of the various fields of activity and operating countries

Executive Management

    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Graduated from the “Grandes Ecoles de Commerce de Bordeaux” and holder of a double master’s degree in business administration from Georgetown University and in financial engineering from EM Lyon.

Mr. Sadri BEN YOUSSEF has built up his experience in investment banking accross Europe and the Middle East, and has extensive financial expertise in the infrastructure sector (including highways, airports, ports, etc.) and in structuring PPP projects.
Mr. BEN YOUSSEF joined the STUDI Group in 2013 and has been CEO of IDEACONSULT International since October 2022.

  • Abdelhak SALHI
    Deputy Manager

A graduate engineer from “Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics de Paris” and holder of a Master degree from “The Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées de Paris”, Mr. Abdelhak SALHI has more than thirty years of work sound experience in the fields of Transport, Infrastructure and Management.

Mr. SALHI has a high grasp of project analysis and management methods, strategy development, policy and action plan formulation, strategic projects coordination, …

Mr. SALHI is also proficient in economic assessment software and has a deep understanding of the socio-economic context in various countries around the world.

Operational Departments

  • Sadok BEN JEMIA
    Director of Planning, Environment and Sustainable Development

Mr. Sadok BEN JEMIA is a Rural, Water and Forestry Engineer (GREF / INAT) and holds a Master degree in Rural Engineering from Laval University (Quebec – CANADA).He has nearly thirty years of experience as an Environmental and Social Safeguard Expert, including 22 years with IDEACONSULT International.

Mr. BEN JEMIA has extensive expertise in environmental and social assessments (ESIAs, ESMPs, RAPs, PEPPs, BAPs, etc.) across a wide range of development programs and projects across the African continent. He is also specialized in Health-Safety-Environment (HSE) audits, solid waste management surveys and expertise studies, urban hydraulics, technical assistance and project supervision.

    Director of Strategic & Institutional Studies

A graduate engineer from “Ecole des Mines de Paris” with a Master degree in Business Techniques and Economics, Mr. Chokri BEN MAKHLOUF is an economist and financial expert specializing in public services, notably electricity, with around thirty years of proven professional experience.

Mr. BEN MAKHLOUF has conducted multiple economic, financial and tariff studies for the electricity sector, which has provided him solid experience in power system planning and management, tariff regulation, business models, contractual procedures and project monitoring.

  • Nabil SOUABNI
    Director of Transport Economics

Graduated in Industrial Engineering from “Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis”, Mr. Nabil SOUABNI capitalizes over than twenty years of experience in the transport sector.

As a transport economist, Mr. SOUABNI has contributed, so far, to several feasibility studies and preliminary design studies for the construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of road, rail, port and airport transport infrastructures both in Tunisia and abroad, as well as to the development of various transport systems’ strategies and development plans.

Process and Innovation Department

  • Emel BEN MRAD
    Director of Process & Innovation

Mrs. Emel BEN MRAD is an agronomist engineer, graduated from “Institut National Agronomique de Tunis” (INAT, Presidential Prize) and Paris (INA-PG) with a Master degree in Management of cooperative enterprises in the agri-food sector.

Mrs. BEN MRAD has a strong experience of more than 28 years in project management pertaining to water and agriculture sectors.

She joined STUDI Group since 2008.

Expertise and innovation for a sustainable future

Contact us today to benefit from our expertise at the service of inclusive, resilient and sustainable development.